SOILTESTING, INC. performs test borings, installs piles and performs foundation repair services for residential, commercial, industrial and municipal structures.
Our services include:
Geotechnical Investigations/ Test Borings
Test Boring drilling contractor since 1958, utilizing hollow stem auger, mud rotary,flush wall casing drilling methods, including diamond rock coring (A,B,N and H sizes).
Environmental Investigations/ Monitor Wells
Over 35 years experience in well installation, observation, monitoring and recovery of wells (3/4” to 10”diameter), including 4” and 6” DTH rock drilling capabilities.
Foundation Settlement Correction/ Repairs
Underpinning for corrective measures for foundation settlement including lifting of settled foundations for residential, commercial and industrial structures.
Installation of Piles, Anchors and Tiebacks
Over 12 years experience in pile installation for new construction and settlement corrective measures (underpinning and settlement reversal). Experience includes: Helical Piles, Soil Nails and Tie Backs, Micro Piles, Rock Anchors, Resistance Piers.